CleverClogs Nursery and Pre-school
Fee and Pricing Policy
To ensure that all parents and carers are aware of and understand the methods by which fees can be paid and when pricing structures are reviewed and increases that may be applied.
A non refundable deposit of £100 is charged to guarantee a child’s place. This fee is refunded to parents when one calendars month notice is given, providing no fees are left outstanding. Children taking up a fully funded place do not have to pay the deposit.
For non funded children, parents will chose the combination of sessions they would like and the monthly amount to pay prorated for a year. Payments are made in advanced by the 10th of each month and a contract is drawn up between the nursery and parents/carers for payments required. A late charge of £15.00 is added should a payment be missed or not received by the 10th of the month. Parents are contacted via email first to chase payments and then via a letter. If the payments are not settled, then the nursery will seek further advice.
We accept payment through the tax free childcare Scheme but do request that the nursery is informed in writing with the reference code so that payments can be correctly allocated. The nursery also accepts payment by childcare vouchers.
Where a 3rd party pays fees, parents and carers are requested to provide evidence of this before attending. If the 3rd party ceases to pay the fees then the parents/carers with be responsible to settle outstanding invoices.
Outstanding accounts may result in your child being refused entry into the setting until all outstanding fees have paid. Failure to pay these outstanding fees may result in your child’s place being withdrawn.
Parents are expected to provide their child with their own nappies and wipes and other consumables, for example nappy cream and sun cream.
Parents are expected to collect their child on time; if a child is collected late then an initial fee of £40 is payable then £10 per 15mins after will be charged.
Session Rates
We offer 3 different sessions:
AM session 8am – 1pm.
PM session 1pm – 6pm.
Full day session 8am – 6pm.
We offer an early drop off sessions from 7.45am, this is charged at an additional fee.
Funded places
As a setting we are listed with Norfolk County Council to offer the Early Education Funding Entitlement for children 9 months old and above., and we meet the conditions of the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities. (A copy of our agreement is on the notice board). The free entitlements will be delivered consistently so that all children accessing the free entitlements will receive the same quality and access to provision, regardless of whether they opt to pay for optional hours, services, meals or consumables.
Government funding is intended to cover the cost to deliver 15 to 30 hours a week of free, high quality, flexible childcare only. It is not intended to cover the cost of meals, consumables, additional hours or additional services.
We offer the full free entitlement and parents are able to use the whole 570 hours over a period of no less than 38 week period. In addition to this we offer the extra 15 hours funding total of an additional 570 extra hours per year if the parents are eligible. The maximum amount of hours that can be claimed in a day is 10hours and the minimum is 2.5hours. We offer the funded hours between 8am-6pm. For Parents attending more than three half days term time only we do charge a consumable charge as outlined in our funding policy.
For Parents claiming above the 20 hours funding we do ask for a small sufficiency contribution of £8 per week to cover an early start and for consumables used throughout the sessions.
We do not ask the parents to top up the hourly rate for funded sessions. We charge at our normal hourly rate for hours used above the funded amount. We charge a daily rate for food during funded sessions only; however, this is optional if parents wish to supply the food.
We also offer the ‘stretched offer’ for funding as we are open all year round.
Parents are issued also with a contract for their fees when children are funded, this breakdowns the monthly amount with the funded hours deducted and any extra hours charges or food charges.
Additional information regarding sessions and charging
The nursery will provide notice period if there are any fees increases. We also charge for non attendance and bank holidays. The nursery requests 1 months written notice period to cancel or reduce sessions.
Should the nursery be closed for unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather, parents will be notified as soon as possible and if there is space at our sister nursery then the chance to take the children to the other setting will be offered. We would not offer any monies back for children that would not have made the journey.
Holidays, sickness and bank holidays are still chargeable, and fees will need to be paid.
441 Dereham Road New Costessey
Norwich NR5 OSG
Click here for CleverClogs Longwater

30 Oakfields Road Cringleford
Norwich NR4 6XF
Click here for CleverClogs Cringleford